
Darris Grant

Being fit physically helps me role model my healthy life I have now that I'm in recovery from alcohol and drugs.


Currently 2

in the Semi-Finals

You decide who will be featured in Muscle & Fitness and take home $20k

Voting for the Final 8 ends Thu July 4th at 7PM PDT

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What fuels your passion for fitness?

Its an investment in myself. Before all I did was abuse my body with alcohol and drugs. Now since being sober for almost 2 years I value myself in mind, body, and spirit. Taking care of myself physically helps me with practicing consistency and discipline. Principles which are vital to me now that I'm in recovery. Also I watch a lot of David Goggins and hearing his story its definately an inspiration. Also "WHO'S GONNA CARRY THE BOATS?!"

Tell us your favorite way to stay fit

Its definately lifting. I love doing compound lifts like squats and deadlifts. Not only are they a great workout but it also looks cool being able to deadlift 455. I also play basketball. Playing ball is my favorite form of cardio. I also am aware of how much ones diet plays a part in being fit. Not only have I switched my diet around. I enjoy eating clean and that includes broccoli which I despised as a kid. I enjoy learning the science behind counting my macros and stuff.

What would you do with $20,000?

Alot. In all honesty it would benefit a lot of people, from those I had harmed while I was in active addiction, to the other nonprofits I work closely with in my city of Bismarck ND. It would also help show that no matter what, as an addict in recovery, I take accountability for my wrong doings. It would also help with fostering a sense of unity between agencies which help those struggling addiction. To quote Hellen Keller "Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much"

Be Positive

Help Darris Grant be the next Mr. Health & Fitness while supporting a great cause! The B+ Foundation provides financial assistance to families, funds childhood cancer research, and brings awareness to the fight against childhood cancer.

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