
Dean Tesic

My life= Health & Fitness. Every 10 weeks I do a brand new sport to inspire people to live a better healthier life. Youtube: Instant Athlete


Currently 7

in the Final Eight

You decide who will be featured in Muscle & Fitness and take home $20k

Voting for this year's Mr. Health & Fitness ends Thu July 11th at 7PM PDT

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What fuels your passion for fitness?

Fitness has given me my life. It has given me hope for a future when I was so lost. It has provided me with dreams and opportunities that fuel me. Fitness has given me my business and profession as a personal trainer. Through fitness, my son is able to witness me live out my dreams every single day. I believe that fitness is the best indicator of self discipline.. and if you manage to develop that in one area, most likely other areas will follow.

Tell us your favorite way to stay fit

I love fitness and sports. As an athlete I push myself to try a new sports challenge every 10-15 weeks, and then compete. My idea is to show people just how much you can improve yourself in such a short period of time if you dedicate yourself 100%.. So imagine how far you can go in 1,2,5 years… This project not only keeps me fit but keeps my mind fit and active as well.

What would you do with $20,000?

I will invest back in our gym and to grow our ‘Instant Athlete’ YouTube channel.

Be Positive

Help Dean Tesic be the next Mr. Health & Fitness while supporting a great cause! The B+ Foundation provides financial assistance to families, funds childhood cancer research, and brings awareness to the fight against childhood cancer.

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