
Josh Cruz

H&F is my life. I’m a personal trainer/coach(2011-present) Competitive BB (2020-present) 5-6 days a week working out (2003-present)


Currently 2

in the Final Eight

You decide who will be featured in Muscle & Fitness and take home $20k

Voting for this year's Mr. Health & Fitness ends Thu July 11th at 7PM PDT

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What fuels your passion for fitness?

I love the training! When you’re deep in the trenches of a leg day and you’re struggling to hit another rep, there’s nothing like it! But what got me started was a family history of poor health (high BP,Diabetes,ect). My son has become a very important pillar in my continued passion for staying fit.

Tell us your favorite way to stay fit

I love training with a purpose, building muscle and maintaining a low body fat. I stick to resistance training, love the sound of the iron clanging together! For cardio I typically focus on steps daily (walking the dogs) but I also do love pad work for boxing.

What would you do with $20,000?

My teammate just qualified for the Mr. Olympia this year for the first time. Like most bodybuilders especially us that live in California it’s expensive to do what we do. So I'd like to help pay for travel and stay out there. After that I’d help my kids mom pay off some school loans. And if I have anything left I’d hire a videographer to help boost my personal training/coaching business or pay for private training for my son. The point is I live this lifestyle to help others.

Be Positive

Help Josh Cruz be the next Mr. Health & Fitness while supporting a great cause! The B+ Foundation provides financial assistance to families, funds childhood cancer research, and brings awareness to the fight against childhood cancer.

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