
Kamal El-Cheikh

Working out since 1997 on and off and going on 44. As a father of 4 kids, I decided to be more fit for my children just to keep up!


Currently 6

in the Semi-Finals

You decide who will be featured in Muscle & Fitness and take home $20k

Voting for the Final 8 ends Thu July 4th at 7PM PDT

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What fuels your passion for fitness?

The rewarding feeling I get from every work out and the adrenalin rush! I have learned skills from the legendaries and at my age have tested them to see what works for me. Nutrition is vital and protein is gold! I also find that pain makes serious gains! After my dad’s death battling cancer in 1999, Muscle & Fitness magazine was a form of therapy that allowed me to stay focussed and to lead a healthy lifestyle. I want to stay healthy so that I can also be here for my kids.

Tell us your favorite way to stay fit

Free weights in my garage and basement. I also go for walks and have fun with my kids on the trampoline. In tandem, I aim for 1000 jumping jacks a day, heavy lifting every second day. Long forest walks, swimming and enjoying the outdoors. Your magazine was always in my backpack and much of what I know is from the insights I picked up reading it! Now I watch your influencers and subscribe to your digital community of great influencers! It would be an honour to join this wonderful community!

What would you do with $20,000?

Work with your social media presence and support Muscle & Fitness magazine by doing professional videos. An incredible honour it would be to be an ambassador of your brand. Grew up before the days of the internet and used to buy your magazine. Raise awareness for healthy lifestyles especially for people like myself who are over 40. Balance is key, and as a Project Management consultant, waking up 5 am to work out gives me the energy I need to push forward in my businesses. Give to charity.

Be Positive

Help Kamal El-Cheikh be the next Mr. Health & Fitness while supporting a great cause! The B+ Foundation provides financial assistance to families, funds childhood cancer research, and brings awareness to the fight against childhood cancer.

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